# Chapter6.py ''' Review of Python Libraries Python 3.13 -> 5 year lifecycle Python Core Modules -> called without imported print(), int(),... Python Custom Modules -> your .py files without the extension import ModuleName from ModuleName import ObjName import ModuleName as Namespace/Alias Python Standard Modules -> These libraries depend on the 3.## for what is available in your release ex. There may be standard modules in 3.5 that are NOT in 3.13 Python will depreciate old/unsecure/unsafe functions and methods as time permits Python will also ADD new functionality into versions ex. at 3.10 Python added a match keyword to enhanse switch/case/if/else ex. at 3.8 super tuples ''' ''' Code Description %a %A %b %B %d %m %Y %y %H %I %M %S %p %f %c %x %X Abbreviated weekday name Full weekday name Abbreviated month name Full month name Zero-padded day of month as a number Zero-padded month as a number 4-digit year 2-digit year Hour of day in 24-hour format Hour of day in 12-hour format Minute as number Second as number AM/PM specifier Microsecond Date and time formatted for locale Date formatted for locale Time formatted for locale 309 Example Sat Saturday Oct October 01 01 1977 77 13 01 59 59 AM 0153219 Mon Oct 31 01:15:15 2016 10/31/16 01:15:15 '''