XANGL20921 InstructorPhilipM-1 Philip Matusiak 10 E - 1 E 1 E - 1:45 E Lunch 1:45 E - 4:45 E .pipe( map( param => { } ) ); rxjs redux > container class Angular Classes level 1 Reactive Programming rxjs 2 modules 1. Controller 2. View Containers redux {{ tv }} 3. redux Advanced Components npm install 800.288.8221 ng new rxjs-chat N rounting Enter CSS -------------- cd rxjs-chat> ng g c chat-threads ng g c chat-thread ng g c chat-nav-bar ng g c chat-window ng g c chat-message ng g c chat-page app>md util break 11:30 E - 11:45 E 3 data models page 267 model services apis Sports => 'sport': NFL => teamName="Bucs" Weather => town ThingsToDo => propertyName: Subject = new Subject create topic 1st propertyName: Subject = new BehaviorSubject() Lunch 1 E - 1:45 E page 282-284 Messages Service philipm@onlc.com Article voteUp(): void { +=1 } AppVIEW voteUp(): any { article.voteUp(); } 1. markTAR 2. newMessages 3. create 4. updates 5. messages 1.4.5 MTAR NM 3.5 Read App Fac PRO Ser js util namespace Class Obj (method()) reverse(doing param) prop = varname type value sort( a,b => b.value - a.value) VIEW (param1: type, param2: type,...) => { param:type => { param: type => { ops;} } } TS > T > MS > M > Obj > prop break 3:10 E - 3:25 E npm install dependecies namespace for a dependency page 296 ThreadsService 5 properties copy down the data streams npm install -d lodash { key:value } threads: Thread[]; ['LC','EB', 'RB', 'WB'] threads: Observable<{ [key:string] : Thread }> threads: Observable => Class or Interface Type => data or reference type Day 2 10 E 1. Threads Component Controller and View CODE 2. Thread Controller CODE View copy and paste 3. {{ tv }} rest of the app break redux (Redux) CODE lunch finish redux (copy paste) break Advanced Components zip download and ng install messages