# Header with a welcome message # Line "Welcome to your Account" print() print("Welcome to your Account") # Line "=================" "=" * 12 print() print("=======================") # Blank Line print() print() # Line "Menu Options" print() # 1. Add New Contact 2. Add New Product print("Main Menu") print("=========") menuoptions = ["Add New Contact", "Add New Product"] optionID = 1 for menuoption in menuoptions: print("Option ID: " + str(optionID) + " > " + menuoption) optionID += 1 print("=========\n") # Container Area Operations # Contact > user input for fname, lname, email fname = input("Enter contact first name: ") lname = input("Enter contact last name: ") email = input("Enter contact email: ") print("Contact Information") print("===================") print("First Name: " + fname) print("Last Name" + lname) print("Email Address: " + email) print("===================") # Product > static sku="1234" description="widget 1" price="50" sku = "1234" description="widget 1" price = 50 # Product > user input qty qty = int( input("Enter quantity: ") ) print("Product Information") print("===================") print("Product SKU: " + sku + "\n" + "Product Description: " + description + "\n" + "Product Price: $" + str(price) + "\n" + "Quantity: " + str(qty)) print("===================") # Footer with a message # Line "=" * 20 print() print("=======================") # Line "Philips Application Copyright 2024" print("Philip's Application Copyright 2024")