# Chapter2.py # Best Practices for Naming Convensions "Pythonic" # Programmer / UI/UX Testers / Unit Testers # Developer "Pythonic" Frameworks Structural vs Functional # Computer Eng / Data Architect / Senior Programmer / DevOps Engineer # ApplicationName TitleCase # FactoryNames DockerContainerNames TitleCase # PROVIDERNAMES APIS/INPUTS/OUTPUTS UPPERCASE # ServicesNames TitleCase WebServices FileIOServices # ClassNames TitleCase Underscore_TitleCase # ObjectNames lowercase or camelCase # variableNames lowercase, underscore_case camelCase # Page 34 variables and types firstName = "Bob" # variableName firstName type string value Bob # name, type, value(null) lastName = "Smith" age = 21 # type int because there are no quotes around the value "implicitly" implied as an int # First core function of 5 learn Level 1 print() # print() outputs to standardOut stdout terminal print(firstName + " " + lastName + " " + str(age)) # string+string+string+string+str(int) # Page 38 numbers Page 39 Chart operators # Order in which the operatos gets processed price = 25.25 # User input web form, terminal, desktop form # By default all inputs in Python are strings # Page 52 input() qty = input("Enter quantity: ") # string type shipping = 8.95 cartTotal = (price * int(qty)) + shipping print(cartTotal) # Sort Order of Characters # char # strings # numbers # [a-zA-Z0-9] then 0-9 # "7" < 7 # "B" < "2"