# Chapter5.py # errors (fixed) warnings (breaking best practices) info (ok) # CI/CD pipeline # series # 3 | 2 | 1 ... parallel operations ''' DEBUGGING 1. syntax debugging -> meet the least required syntax for the program. There is NO reason to run the code if you have syntax errors 2. runtime errors -> these errors mean that the syntax is correct, BUT the program can not initialize. 3. Exception errors -> when the program starts BUT during the execution of the program there is an error (try/except keyword block cpt. 8) ---------- TESTING 4. UI / UX aka... the bouncing ball Testing 5. Unit Testing Tests each individual unit/function for pass/fail 6. Assertion Testing -> Tests Value 6a. 7 + 3 * 4 = 19 ACTUAL RETURN 6b. (7 + 3) * 4 = 40 EXPECTED RETURN 6c. ACTUAL == EXPECTED -> True or False '''